We bought a 16 inch bike and chose Seafoam Green, but we got a blue bike with a completely different design and it was light blue . I can't even find the original color of the bike I ordered. My daughter (6 years old / about 42 inches tall) loves her bike, but then again, she would probably love any bike. As I said, this is a fairly heavy bike that can hold and maneuver a small child when being taken out of the garage or picked up (it doesn't come with a kickstand, despite what I read online in the Q&A have read). . I myself find it quite heavy when I have to lift it. When my daughter rides a bike, the weight of the bike doesn't matter. A couple of other disappointing points: 1) the handlebars don't adjust up and down but you can adjust them back and forth 2) the pedals have no grip so your foot slips off them from time to time 3) the color I ordered was greenish but I didn't receive the color I ordered, I received the blue with flowers which looks exactly like the photo. I also understand that maybe we should have ordered the next size up for her, maybe an 18 inch bike as we already raised the seat as high as possible. We lowered it when she switched from her balance bike to this "big girl bike". It only took her 2 days to learn how to balance on it. We have never mounted training wheels on this bike.
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