This little car was the best gift I could buy my daughter. She liked it straight away. It's just the right size for her and she can safely get in and out on her own. She even tries to buckle herself in (an early development of good habits). The machine came in a large box and was shipped quickly. The assembly instructions for the car were simple and assembly went smoothly. The car looks great. My daughter is 16 months old and she loves cars and "steering" things. I wanted to give her a station wagon and it was a great combination of those two qualities. She fell in love with him immediately and did not want to part with him. It is smaller, but still fits perfectly in the car and reaches perfectly to the steering wheel. I love that she has a seat belt so she doesn't get up while I'm pushing her. The only downside is that I'm tall and I wish the grip was a bit higher for us tall boys. For the rest I have no complaints. It comes with 3 cup holders and storage space under the hood. You push it from behind instead of pulling like a van. We pushed her in that car and pushed her and she had no problems. It is very well made and totally worth it for the price. I would recommend this to everyone.
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