I don't think I've ever written a review like this and I'm not exaggerating. I just opened the packaging around the belt and had a very bad reaction to it. I used to get a few items with a bad chemical smell but this made me dizzy and tingly. I feel dizzy and sick. My nose and upper sinuses are burning. My eyes twitch and the sky seems to vibrate! Like I'd been exposed to something toxic, at least to me. Nice belt but to be honest I would like to know what chemicals were used! It's nothing but the smell of leather. I had to leave the room while someone else carried things outside. They later repackaged the belt for a return and agreed that it should be put away. RECOMMENDED TO CHECK THIS ARTICLE! PS: It took about 30 minutes for these effects to breathe in the fresh air to wear off. Seriously, that was a terrible reaction. I hope no one else has this experience.