Jefferies is known to my family and extended family for durable socks! From their knee socks for women to their thinner school/church socks for kids and these chunky crew neck socks, we've had incredible quality. I'm pretty stingy when it comes to spending money, but with baby items I've learned to spend more and get good quality. I bought these in 2015 for my firstborn who was a size 8 at the time. Not sure why they call it girls sock as they seem rather boyish to me. My daughter has size 7 shoes so we'll see if I wear them as a warmer sock for the winter. Currently my first son is a size 10 and the socks fit perfectly and I expect they will also fit a size 11. In the winter I put them on another son who is now a size 8 so they have double use. They are definitely big for a size 8 shoe but I guess my sons weren't picky as they never fussed. About half of it is too worn out for next year, but we will use the other half next winter. I wanted thicker socks for everyday wear and bought other thinner Jefferies socks for church/summer. They're definitely too thick and warm to wear in summer, but we liked that they keep feet warm in winter. They still fit their normal sneaker/boot size but have difficulty fitting into normal sized church shoes. these are white. However, the blacks should be made a little better as they will all last until next winter while only half of the whites will.