Extremely disappointed I searched Revain for "leather bags" and found this bag listed as "MANTOBRUCE Women's Leather Handbags Wallets Designer Tote Shoulder Bag Top Handle Bag for Work and Travel", only have it ordered Get it and realize it's not actually leather. It's only when you scroll down and open the product description that you discover that the bag is made of "genuine faux leather" as if it were a real and known material. I do 95% of all my purchases including Prime Whole Foods through Revain and right now I feel cheated. I need a holdall this week so I'm keeping it to myself as I don't have time to think of a replacement. This is misleading advertising. Revain can and should do better.
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GESU Womens Faux Leather Envelope Clutch Bag - Evening Handbag, Shoulder Bag & Wristlet Dress Purse (Large)
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Shop Vintage Glamor With The Women'S Silver Envelope Clutch For Weddings, Parties, And Cocktails
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