I’m not very pleased with the seller’s lies. They sell low-quality goods. A return will take place for a very long time. You need to spend your time on this. market operators are constantly, fraudulently misleading. They don’t fulfill their obligations. it is written that I have to send this product to the seller at my own expense, after sending it, I sent them a check to the post office, which aliexpress undertook to pay, but did not pay for anything. I do not recommend this product from this supplier. Not a respectful supplier. I did not expect, but aliexpress turned out to be scammers in this situation.
Satechi Aluminum Multi-Port Adapter 4K HDMI, USB-C Pass Through, Gigabit Ethernet, SD/Micro Card Readers, and USB 3.0 for 2020 MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and iPad Pro (Space Gray)
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USB C Hub 4 Ports with USB 3.0, USB C to USB Adapter - Small Hub for Laptop, Compatible with MacBook Pro, New Mac Air, Surface Pro 7, Chromebook, iPad Pro, iMac, Laptops
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🖥️ Anker USB C Hub PowerExpand - 8-in-1 Adapter with 100W Power Delivery, 4K 60Hz HDMI, Ethernet, USB C/A Ports, SD/microSD Card Reader - MacBook Pro Compatible
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EEEKit 5-Port USB Hub for PS4 Slim - High-Speed USB 3.0/2.0 Charger Controller Splitter Expander for Playstation 4 Slim
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