Terrible waste of money. You get three straps and a buckle assembly. And let me warn you that the buckle is of a very cheap and primitive design, making it a total pain in the ass - and did I mention it's very complicated? - use to either tighten the strap or loosen the strap to open it. That last point is so important that I feel the need to repeat it, so here it is again: The buckle is a very cheap and primitive design that makes it a complete headache - and did I mention it's very complex ? EXTREMELY tricky indeed - use to either tighten or loosen the strap to open it. Conclusion: The buckle features a very cheap, primitive, and terribly user-unfriendly and downright user-hostile design that gives it a complete headache. Butt to use every time you want to either tighten, loosen or open the strap! Avoid this product like the plague because of the awful buckle design!