This box is designed like a tank. I read a review before buying that said this box could be used as a small safe if the lock was replaced. It's actually strong enough for that, but if I were to do that I'd use my TIG welder. to weld everything and buy the next size up. My application is to host a KB Electronics DC variable speed drive for a small lathe. A box of this size is barely big enough as the dimensions given are for the outside so the inside is smaller so expect that. I wish I could buy a box the next size up. I bought an AC Infinity AXIAL 9238, Muffin Fan, 115V 120V AC 92mm x 38mm to glue to the bottom to keep the disc cool. You'll have to cut open the top and bottom to let air in, which won't be easy given the thick steel construction of this box, well. Nothing should be made easy. The heavy weight of this box is not a problem, as it is securely screwed to the wall after completion. I recommend this product as a high quality, well made product. If you need it, buy it. UPDATE: I've since learned that the same company makes a similar sized lightweight aluminum box which I think would be better suited to my application, at least lighter and easier to cut. and drill. I didn't know about the aluminum box until I ordered this heavy steel box. A lot of work has gone into this heavy steel box to cut fan sized holes. For those of you who need a similar box but don't need heavy steel, check out the lightweight aluminum box BUD has to offer. Mini electronics box, 8" L x 6" W x 3-1/2" H, natural finish