So far so good. Incredibly smaller than any handbag I've ever owned and honestly, it makes a huge difference how my pants fit. So much more convenient. It also makes it easier for me to get my keys out of my pocket (I keep my wallet in my front pocket instead of my back pocket) and it doesn't let me cling to old receipts (a bad habit I've picked up with mine) . Standard leather wallets.) Certainly a little awkward getting things in and out of the wallet; But it doesn't take me any longer to retrieve things than with a standard wallet, I'm really just getting used to this thing. If I could improve one thing about it, I would actually make it a little bigger. I carry a few business cards (you never know when you might need a network) and they're about the size of a wallet; I wouldn't mind an extra 1/8" on each side for the plastic to actually cover the cards. But as you can see, this is a fairly small change and the size doesn't cause any problems at all. It might not look as elegant like a nice leather wallet when you take it out to pay (I keep bills on the outside between the strap and the plastic) but I'm much more interested in function than form, I've only had the wallet a few weeks hence Can't comment on the durability of the elastic but so far it's holding up great and if you're looking for a low profile wallet this is about as low profile as you can get.
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