My daughter loves this product but it is too tight. I suspect that in about 4 weeks it will be enough for her. Not much stretch. This is not a very warm legging. I thought it would keep your feet warm in the fall/winter weather but they aren't made for that. She is 1.20m tall and these leggings are a size 8-10 across her ankles. But she likes them and wants to keep them so we don't have to return them. I will buy another brand next time.
Lilax Girls Basic Length Leggings Girls' Clothing in Leggings
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Slaixiu Leggings Fleece Printing GP777 3P B 130 Girls' Clothing and Leggings
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Adorable and comfortable Splendid girls' leggings for kids and babies
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Spotted Zebra Girl's Disney Star Wars Marvel Frozen Princess Leggings: Unleash the Fantasy!
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