Love love love this expertly designed bag. I'm not the only one who prefers handbags. I also like unlined leather bags unless the lining is also leather, although leather can make the bag heavier this is an issue to consider so I stick with unlined ones. I don't like cloth lining. Crossbody bags don't stay in my shoulder - they fall in a second as soon as I move. Shoulder bags naturally choose to do away with shoulder bags. The handle of this bag slips over my small hand and wrist. This bag offers more than enough space for your essentials. Those who say this bag is small should carry shopping bags. Maybe Hide & Drink makes leather shopping bags. All Hide & Drink leather products that I have bought and received so far have been carefully selected. Quality construction is what the company does. Buyers rely on quality to quickly become addicted to good products. Consumers admit the money they spent wasted on Chinese goods.
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