I had high hopes for this product but was really disappointed. The first problem I had was that you can't reconnect the joysticks to the controller, it doesn't fit (I didn't know this and the seller or the description doesn't mention it) I won't remove the plastic cover every time I want to dock and undock it. I was fine at the time, just leaving the joysticks plugged into the console and using my wireless controller when I dock the console. NOPE 10 minutes later the console didn't even realize the joysticks were plugged into it. At this point I was almost done with it. I ended up ordering a better case for him. Pros: Great durable case with a very nice Monster Hunter design and thumb guard. Cons: You can put it back on the controller after you put the plastic covers on the joycon. When you switch to handheld mode, the console doesn't recognize the joysticks while they're plugged in after about 10 minutes of gameplay. You must leave the joysticks attached to the console even if you want to keep the case.