I got a set of these tapes for an upcoming trip - yes we love and still use an old tape camcorder. but these tapes are becoming increasingly rare and are no longer sold in the stores we buy from. The price was good and since we use about 1 tape a week when we travel, I bought 2 packs for my upcoming vacation. wanted to get them while they were still available. On our last trip (Antarctica, Carnival - Rio, Machu Picchu and Galapagos) we almost ran out of tapes; After using so many in Antarctica, they couldn't find one in Rio and fought until they could find a few at a small camera shop in Cusco. word to the wise. If you're still using a camera that requires these straps, get as many as you think you'll need and then buy some extra ones. just in case. Tip: Before you leave the house, capture a few seconds of footage and inspect it to make sure the tape is working properly and has no smudges/drips. We learned this lesson the hard way during a trip to China a few years ago. Taught us a good lesson.