I carry these boxes in my purse shortly after I found out about the problem with RFID. This replaces the one on which the small pocket seal had become detached after years of service. They are well suited for women's handbags or trouser pockets. Most men find them too fat for their liking and choose something else. I have to trust the metal case to provide adequate protection from RFID readers as I don't know how to test that. I haven't hit any of them with a truck to see how well they can handle such violence. I leave that testing to the marketers. I have two: one for credit, health insurance, and driver's licenses, and one for my homemade cards with personal contact information. It's easier to give someone a postcard than to find paper and a pen to write down someone's contact information if needed. This is a good way to keep track of new friends and acquaintances.
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