These bags are very fragile when it comes to zippers. They feel very fragile. I don't think they are durable enough for travel. These little bags are more of a lightweight thing on their own to hold things you're unlikely to ever touch again in your lifetime. Just bought these for my daughter to pack for camp {she's leaving in a few weeks} WILL! These bags are poorly constructed on all sides. They seem very delicate so I treated them accordingly. Needless to say, I opened the first pocket to put my bathing suit inside. The zipper was broken and the seams were previously stretched. I decided to return them. I packed a much stronger material into a cube. You just have to keep going and spending money to get better ones. Of course they were only $5 more expensive other colors. So save your time and energy and just choose the best ones that will last much longer. :-) The camp is quite expensive. I just hoped there would be a light at the end of the tunnel for us that would allow me to save some money for their needs. I do not think so. :-) Spring. At least mostly. I won't have to shell out as much next year as I did this year. { It's her first trip to summer camp.} I hope that one day all these things I had to buy will pay off.
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