These kept me organized during my entire trip.I like that most of them are transparent so that you can see your items in the bags. It makes it easier for tsa and for me when I’m looking for certain items. They also include a bag that isn’t see through, I used that for my jewelry and glasses as an example. (I poured my jewelry out for the picture to show you an example). There’s also a pull string bag that worked great for holding my dirty clothes. The capacity isn’t huge, however for me I had a washer and dryer at my Airbnb so it wasn’t an issue. I would bring an extra bag for dirty clothes since that one isn’t too big. There’s also a sheer liquids bag. Before going to korea I had my liquids and medicine in that bag which made it super easy to locate them. But I ended up using it for my receipts and tickets from events I went to. It’s a great little storage to have for anything. I used the biggest bag for my shoes. During my trip I think I took 5 shoes options (tennis shoes, 2 heels, flats, sandals) and they all fit into the bag.The only issue I had, that honestly isn’t a big deal if you’re patient, was that the zipper can get stuck on the fabric. There’s also some loose stitching. However, I really don’t mind it since they are just bags to use for my belongings during traveling. Overall I really enjoyed these bags. I felt really secure having them. Usually stuff is moving all about inside the suitcase but with these you can stay organized and protect your items.I would recommend if you’re looking for something affordable to keep your belongings in for domestic or international travel. I used these for Vegas and South Korea and they survived 3 long weeks of me going through them over and over.(There are 7 bags but i don’t know where I put the 7th one, oops)
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