I think you've found it. I've been using Colgate toothpaste for a long time and am usually very happy with their ever-changing range of flavors and types. I am very satisfied with this foamy toothpaste. I'm not entirely sure how the mini breath strips compare to similar stripless versions. I haven't noticed much of a difference other than related marketing. Here are the things I like: + The 6 oz size is great for me and should last a long time. + It's foamier than average but not too foamy + Mint flavor I'm very good but a bit over the top. It leaves a feeling of freshness in the mouth, but not so long that I try it during my morning snack or lunch! (another Colgate product did this - ugh) + This toothpaste foams more than others I've tried, but not too much + The 6 ounce size lasts a long time on a vertical table on smaller tubes. They take up more space on the side. I am completely satisfied with the Colgate Max Fresh Mint toothpaste with mini breath strips. I would probably be just as happy without the stripes! If you have a family this is a good size and a 3 pack should be enough even for a family. It has a pleasant mint flavor, foams a lot but not too much, and leaves a clean and fresh mouthfeel. With all of this, it should be pretty clear that I'm giving 5 stars. Another Colgate winner.
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