I bought it for my daughter who loves skirts and dresses. Her favorite skirts are long. She also loves a little swing. And she loves bags - what girl doesn't? Anyway, when it arrived and I gave it to her, she immediately said she liked it and went to try it on. That's a good length. Not ankle length like most maxi skirts, but long enough that maxi is still an accurate description. It's just enough on top to flatter you but has a tousled flair on the bottom half that just adds a charming feminine touch. In addition, the pockets are large outer pockets (so not hidden in the seam). You can really bring things together. Usually it's a cell phone, candy and other random things. My point is that they can really hold things - they're not just there for beauty. We've washed it a few times and then air dried it and it still looks new, it's still soft and doesn't shed. So it gets a rare 5 stars.
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