These items were purchased for my granddaughter who will soon be 11 years old. She is 5 feet tall, weighs 80 pounds and is all legged. General landing at altitude. Compared to jeans/jeggings this would be a size 12. They had a slight odor but washing with warm water removed the odour. The jogging pants were dried at a medium temperature and no noticeable shrinkage occurred. Once there are more color options in size 11-12 we will likely buy again.
Adorable and comfortable Splendid girls' leggings for kids and babies
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IRELIA Girls Leggings Modal Spring Girls' Clothing for Leggings
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Slaixiu Leggings Fleece Printing GP777 3P B 130 Girls' Clothing and Leggings
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Spotted Zebra Girl's Disney Star Wars Marvel Frozen Princess Leggings: Unleash the Fantasy!
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