All of our sites, from blogs through e-learning courses to custom websites have been built with CKEditor in mind (though we use other modules as well). It's easy enought to learn even if you don't speak any programming language but it is also powerful beyond belief! I've used this module extensively over 10 years ago at another agency so my recommendation would be that anyone who wants their editors to look professional will know what they're doing when using CK Editor - there may be some things out of date or missing features, especially compared to more modern WYSIWIG editing interfaces like TinyMCE/FCKeditor but nothing drastic here either really. My website design service offers clients both Wordpress powered static site designs which can then go live once complete OR WordPress content management system managed word press themes or plugins etc where ongoing updates and maintenance takes care of everything for me. The best thing about this website is the customer support. It's amazing! They are very helpful and will always help you out with your problems. The only thing I dislike is that I have to pay for a monthly membership. It's not a very affordable website. However, if you're looking for a great website, this is the one. It's great for small businesses and individuals. I am using this website to sell products. It's very easy to use and it's very cost effective.