I bought 4 of these bags. As described, they are very spacious. For someone like me who has a large 17 inch laptop this bag really ticks the box as it offers a very roomy pocket that a laptop can fit in as well as the extra space this bag allows for a or two folders left. My only issue with this bag is that the bag's charging function doesn't work. So I'm giving this bag a total of 4 stars. The charging function did not work on any of the 4 bags I bought. First off I have to say that I plugged the case's USB cable into a power source and left it there for 15 hours hoping for the case's charger to fully charge. The way they advertised the charging feature on the Amazon website is that you can plug the USB cable into a power source to charge. Later you can connect your mobile device to the USB port indicated on the bag. But in my experience with these cases, the only way to charge the mobile device I tested charging with is to plug the USB cable from the case into a power source, and then plug the phone into the USB charging port on the case connected . Pocket. When I unplugged the case's USB cable from the power source, the phone immediately stopped charging.
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