First impression: This is another adorable Volkmanis doll. This honey bee is the smallest Folkmanis doll I have ever bought. It's light and well made. Its fur is pleasant but not very soft. Packaging: It was well packaged but its wings were a little wrinkled and wrinkled. I have had it for several days and they have not returned to their place. I hope to use an iron and reset them. Glove: The glove that comes with this bee allows you to move its legs instead of its mouth. This is child size. I have a small adult hand and the bottom half of my palm is dangling from it. I just bought a formal set of black gloves for about $5 and had my local seamstress replace the glove. We removed a finger from the second glove and stuck it in with some cotton on the first so that the bee still had all six legs. the gloves are a bit shiny and i think i like it even more. It's really adorable.