I bought two pairs of these tights for my daughter. She is 4 years old, 39 inches tall and weighs 38 pounds. I ordered size 4-6 in black and tan. the tights are similar but I was hoping the stirrup would improve the fit). She skates more than 4 times a week and these have quickly become her favorites. wear. A tan pair will be 3 inches longer if you hold them side by side. It's also noticeably more elastic. They get light but are baggy at the ankles. (The excess is hidden inside the skates, but it can be obvious when dancing etc.) It looks like they are the same tights - same model numbers on the tags and same composition. However, the fit is so visibly different. Not sure if I just got an odd pair or if there really is a fit difference between the shades. We'll definitely be buying more, so I'm excited to see if the next tan pair includes more.
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