This product has a number of positive qualities. It's big enough for any bike, lightweight, folds to fit in a saddlebag, and the clips seem to withstand a decent amount of wind. It kept my bike dry during a decent downpour. Unfortunately, if you live somewhere with decent sun, you do NOT need this product. It arrived on a day I wasn't riding so the bike was cold. It was going to rain so I quickly covered my bike and was glad it fitted perfectly. The coating stayed on the bike for two days: the first day was rainy and the next sunny and around 30Β°C. For the record, I live in the far north of the US, so we don't get the most intense sunlight. However, one day of sunshine was enough to melt the coating on my rear view mirrors, brake and clutch levers, road bars and saddlebag protectors! a way to remove it without ruining the finish of my new bike. If you're looking for a winter or long-term indoor storage solution, this is it, but stay away if you plan on using it when parked outside in direct sunlight! I can't even imagine how bad it would be if you put it on the bike while the exhaust system is still warm.
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