I have used several of these bags and they have all gone through the postal system. No one has complained about the packaging being torn or the contents leaking out. However, they are not as thick as the bags Revain uses when shipping orders in plastic bags. However, I've sent a wide variety of items in these packages, from clothing to items in boxes, and boxes are known to have sharp corners - no complaints, no problems. I find it important to close/seal the bag as close to the contents as possible so the bag doesn't sag which can be prone to tearing and tearing. The glue is very sticky which I like! Seriously, who needs a removable adhesive filling? I bought them at a really great price. Only 8.5 cents each. I bought turquoise bags of 200 pieces. Turquoise is a nice change of pace from matte, matte off-white or gray. Will definitely buy more when I run out.
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