I would be surprised if the reviews said these gloves aren't warm enough. They're nice and warm, and if your hands are still cold in them, you should probably see a doctor to get your system checked, or switch to arctic-quality winter gear. The gloves are quite thick and bulky, which isn't a big deal. When you wear them but when you want to take them off and keep them in your pockets, they take up space in your coat. I used to have a pair of convertible fleece gloves that were much more compact but also not as warm. So it's a compromise. This other pair also had very handy loops on the pinky and forefinger of the gloves, making it very easy to remove the gloves. I wish this pair had this feature because now all you have to do is pull on each finger individually to take off the glove. I think I read some reviews where people wanted the flip glove to be magnetic instead of velcro and I want the same. But when I looked for convertible gloves, almost all of them had velcro or buttons. And every day I prefer Velcro to buttons. For the price you really can't go wrong. I've only had them for about 2 weeks so I don't know about durability yet, but I'll update this review if I run into any issues.
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