Only time will tell whether these bags really catch on, but at first glance they seem to be very high-quality bags. They're nice and thick, not thin at all, open and close easily, and while they appear blue in the photos, they're actually completely transparent. This worries me a little, however, as light is also a factor in oxidation and tarnishing. I don't know if there's anything special about the plastic itself, or if it's just a zipper that's "engineered" to resist *any* moisture and tarnishing. I think we'll see.
High Quality Clear Zip Bags - 3 X 3 Inches, 2Mil Thickness, Case Of 1,000 By GPI Brand
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Universal stroller Riko Bella 3 in 1, 03, chassis color: black
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ClearBags 9 X 15 Door Hanger Bags (1000 Bags) For Door Knob Flyers Promotions Coupons Clear Plastic Poly Hanging Bags For Mail Newspaper Bags With Hangers Protect Against Rain, Dirt, & Bugs DK4
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200-Pack 3" X 3" Clear Plastic Reclosable Zip Bags | Heavy Duty 4 Mil Thick Poly Baggies With Resealable Lock For Travel, Storage, Packaging & Shipping
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Heavy-Duty Perforated Sticker Supplies with Advanced Cushioning
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📦 Perforated Stickers Packaging for Cushioning during Shipping
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📦 6X10 Inch Pouches for Secure Cushioning in Shipping Supplies
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💨 Fuxury Blue Anti-Static Bubble Cushion Wrap Roll - 2 Rolls, 72 Feet Total: Protect and Secure with Air Bubble Technology!
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