I was pleased to use this bag on a short trip recently. My need for this type of bag was that I wanted a personal item sized bag that I could easily carry around but also fit on the handle of a trolley case. My previous small bag was great, but it was a hassle to carry over my shoulder on long walks. This bag solves the problem because it is also a backpack. I packed a 15-inch computer and a 10-inch tablet, along with toiletries, clothing, and electronics. The inner padded laptop sleeve held my 15 inch laptop and the inner pocket on the other side held a tablet. Once these items were packed, there was enough space inside to pack other items. Sorting things I need to take with me quickly, I found that my cough bag had slipped into the front pocket so they "hid" under the fold of the pocket. 2 side pockets held a collapsible mug and store bought soda. The soda bottle fit in the side pocket, but it wasn't perfect, and I lost the bottle either when I got my backrest out from under my seat or when I ran through the airport terminal. A fully loaded bag fits perfectly under the passenger seat, even small aisle space. Gray-blue color is mostly gray. The stitching is good and the bag looks good. Lightning glides easily. When used as a backpack the bag is carried as a rigid backpack and when used as a secondary bag on a wheeled bag this bag fits snugly and does not move. The top loops open like a medical bag, making it easy to see what's inside.
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