This game is for souls lovers, I'm a Bloodborne lover. Completely different mechanics. Very, very boring combat. The weapon has one or two actions. I expected something in the spirit of Bloodborne. But on the other hand, I understood why the third souls didn’t drag me on - it’s just as dull. How can you play this tyagomotinu - I honestly do not understand. Souls, like Elden, is neither Blade of Darkness nor Bloodborne, Elden looks like: try to find the most boring implementation between the regularity of BoD and BB, take all the good things from BoD in the form of a clear arrangement and interesting tricks, and take away the sharp dynamism of BB, in BB by the way, there are a lot of tricks with any weapon, which is also closer to BoD, in Elden you use only a basic blow and very sometimes charged. Ashes - some kind of hat. Pumping dull a little more than completely. The plot of the game is missing. For 30 + hours of the game - I swore twice. After the third, I'll probably take it down and forget it. Sorry money.