The first "batch" of bags I purchased at wal-mart and kept in the diaper bag. I used them for every messy diaper while we were out in public, traveling by pane, or visiting friends' and relatives' houses. I like that the bags are lightly scented and the color is nice and doesn't scream "bag with a poopy diaper". I actually misplaced the plastic dispenser long ago, but I just put a mini elastic rubber band to keep the roll from unraveling and toss it in the diaper bag.I'm sure there are other brands of this type of product, but I've found something I like and I'm sticking with it. I actually live overseas and had this, along with other familiar, comfort products shipped out to me. It's the third time I've bought these refills which shows that they were/are an asset for my diaper bag. There were times when I haven't been able to toss a diaper right away, so these came in handy when I changed a diaper and had to "hold" it until I could find a receptacle. They are also appreciated by flight attendants when you contain a stinky diaper before you throw it away in the lavatory. I've even used them to contain clothes that have been soiled or ruined before putting them in the basket of my stroller or in a suitcase to take home before laundering.I don't have any cons. The rolls seem to last for a long time, the bags are a nice long size should you want to contain several diapers. Overall, I will continue to purchase these for as long as I see a need to contain wet or dirty messes while on the go.
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