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Mateusz Grzesiak  (M ᠌ photo
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Review on Game console Sony PlayStation 4 Pro 1000 GB HDD, The Last of Us Part II Limited Edition by Mateusz Grzesiak  (M ᠌

Revainrating 5 out of 5

I really like the product, it fully meets my expectations.

It's a lot of fun to explore alien planets while snuggled up in an easy chair with a seagull and a big screen TV. Works just as well on little kids as on their adult uncles. When compared to the Sony PS1 from 20 years ago, the newer model does not leave a straight grandiose sensation of something better upon first use; instead, it's merely the case that the graphics are more visually appealing and games are more accessible to the general public. The second is when you actually start playing; at this point, time stops, and you gain experience points for eating, sleeping, and using any and all items. Watch out!

  • Very affordable, small, and powerful. Included it since I wanted to use it with Playstation VR, and it works great.
  • For network games, the prefix necessitates a subscription fee; expect to pay between $2,000 and $4,000 for each game. So, it's a good idea to set up at least $15,000 for games in addition to the cost of the prefix.