I have such a hard time keeping my hair out of my face. It's thick and long and because it's pretty straight and soft, most head bands just slide right off. I don't want to keep it up all the time because it gives me a headache after a few hours.These have worked perfectly for keeping my hair pushed back out of my eyes and not hurting my head. The teeth help them grip my slippery hair a bit better and stay in place, and I love the curved ends for the same reason.It is possible that the seller of this product has provided the product at a discount or for free in return for a thorough and truthful review. If a discount was in fact received, I was not compensated in any way other than that discount and have not promised the seller or manufacturer anything other than my honest opinions and evaluations of the product in question. I am not required, obligated, or forced to provide a positive review in return for any discount I have received, if such occurred. I thoroughly examine and utilize each product prior to posting a review regardless of the product's discount status and an examination of my reviews on this site will clearly show that I am completely honest.This disclaimer does not guarantee that the product was discounted or free, simply notification that it is possible it was.If you have any questions or concerns that I have not covered, please leave a comment below and I will try my best to find the answer to any question or address any concern you may have.All opinions and comments in this review are my own or that of my family and do not reflect the opinions of the manufacturer, seller, or retailer.Thank you for reading this review and good luck with your purchase!
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