I can't believe I didn't know about this type of moving bag before. Doesn't everything have to come in a dirty box? Sigh! These bags are ideal for packing and transporting clothing items such as socks, underwear, ties, etc., as well as stacking larger items such as pants and shirts. And because of their size, they don't get too heavy to carry around. Speaking of carrying, the handles are strong and durable; I was never afraid they would break. If you've ever used classic blue IKEA bags, this is the same but better! Because it has a top zip closure that seals your clothes inside and keeps them free from dirt, dust and grime on the go. I plan on gifting mine to a friend or family member who is moving, but you can easily keep them in your garage or attic as storage bags. They are durable enough to last for years or multiple moves. You can throw them without worrying about them snapping or tearing. Such a smart idea. Too bad I didn't know that back in college moving in and out of dorms and apartments. It may not have happened then, but I'm glad it exists now!
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