I bought these bags to pack my goods for customers. The bags looked great and made a robust impression. However, the box inside gives off an odor. And that smell transferred to the items I put there. It's very frustrating because my customers are unhappy.
π 100PCS 4X6 Inch Sheer Organza Bags with Drawstring - Ideal for Candy, Jewelry, Party, Wedding Favor, Gift, Retail Store Fixtures & Equipment
5 Review
Shimmering Sophistication: Hallmark Signature Small Gift Glitter - The Perfect Sparkling Surprise
5 Review
Recycled Business Merchandise Retail Store Fixtures & Equipment for Sustainable Shopping Packaging
6 Review
Thank You Merchandise Bags With Die Cut Handles For Retail Shopping, Goodie Bags, And Gifts - Bulk Plastic Bags In White With Pink Printing, 2.36Mil 12X15 Inches (100Pcs) By LazyMe
8 Review