Good hiking shoes for children are not easy to find. These boots are well designed and most importantly lightweight. My 8 year old son wore them for an 8 mile hike last Sunday and climbed a small mountain with a total ascent of 3100 feet. he didn't get a blister. These are very comfortable boots.
Stylish and Comfortable pediped Flex Estella Mary Jane Shoes for Toddlers and Little Kids
60 Review
DREAM PAIRS Little Aurora 03 Communion Shoes and Flats for Girls - Top Choice for Stunning Style and Comfort
49 Review
Adorable Blowfish Malibu Play-t for Toddler and Little Girls
47 Review
Slip-Resistant Crib Shoes for Babies: Robeez Soft Soles for Girls and Unisex Toddlers, Ages 0-24 Months
53 Review