It is pretty basic functionality wise, but when looking at the list of companies with similar products/services it is clearly the most feature rich. It’s not hard to find if you look for it. I think it could be improved by making the UI more modern and appealing, adding a better set of templates and providing more documentation (if possible). Overall I was happy with the service provided by this vendor. It would help to know how many features there are available. For example: What is the maximum number of users? Do they offer API access or just web-based user management? Can the application be used without an account being created first? Are the email addresses all unique across the board? If so then it might make sense to create one "superuser” who has unlimited rights. Also, where do they stand on security? Is SSL required? How does your data get backed up? Does everyone use the same backup schedule? These questions don’t seem like obvious ones but could save some headaches down the road.