I ordered XXXL and it fits my bike perfectly. I have a large Yamaha R6 but I see it easily covers a larger bike. You might only have problems if you have a super big bike, but if you even have a Harley Big Boy or similar you shouldn't have any problems. To be honest, it's not super thick. It is also not easy to break. I live in warm weather and we have the occasional rain so this is perfect for me. If you live in bad weather areas I would suggest spending the extra money for more premium coverage. For me it's perfect for my needs, plus it's super easy to slip back into a carry case and take anywhere that has very little space to carry. I love that the most. I won't take anything that looks like a tent with me. It folds up easily and weighs next to nothing. And like I said, it's pretty durable. Don't expect the extra thickness of premium cases, but that's not a bad thing either.
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