I was browsing the store when I stumbled into a Vita that was marked down by fifty percent (4500). I pleaded with my husband to buy me a 4GB card (how frequently do you see them for such a low price, and even with a store guarantee? ), and I also bought one. I signed up for PS Plus and was rewarded with four free games, but I could only save one of them on my memory card. I don't comprehend why Sony was unable to develop a system with either 16 or 32 gigabytes of internal storage space (even if the Vita would cost more). I was able to get my hands on the only memory card in the entire city thanks to the fact that not everyone had the means to purchase one. To play all of the games in their intended manner, I had to place an order for 64GB of storage space on eBay (which cost $4200, which is equal to the price of the console itself) and then wait for two weeks. This is one of the problems with the system. You can play quite a few games that were ported over from the PlayStation Portable and the PlayStation 1, despite the fact that the adaption isn't quite as good. There aren't many exclusives, but the ones that are there are certainly noteworthy: Uncharted, Gravity Rush, Killzone, Assassin's Creed: Liberation, Little Big Planet, Unit 13, Sly, Metal Gear Solid HD, Wipeout 2048, and so on. It would be awesome if exclusive PlayStation 3 games like Infamous and The Last of Us could be ported to other platforms (I think the sale of the round would have grown significantly).