I don't like that the length of the ability itself isn't 18 inches as advertised. It's 17 inches from tip to tip when you say it's 1.6 feet. I would expect the cable itself to be like this without the connectors. Even if it's still not a specified size. WARNING TO ALL CUSTOMERS: This cable is short, 1 ft. The length of the cable is wrong, for the intended use it is 6 inches shorter, which is what I expected. So instead of 1.6 feet, we should go beyond the specified size in the future. Walk 2.0 feet. I have to say on the plus side it works for my secondary needs and the photos reflect that. Appearance is good and the material seems well put together. We only need the length of the cable without the connector to match the given size. Thank you, this is my honest review. djs1