I've had this for a little over a year - it's used for about 20 minutes about once a week when it's working - and that's the problem - it's her now broken for the third time since delivery. The internal pump breaks every time, so the water and cleaning liquid in the device just spills through and ends up in a big puddle - as it's busy sucking up liquid in normal use, I don't realize this until it's put away. Go into the laundry room and it's just a big lake - it's a shame because when it ain't broke it works great but it always breaks. To be fair the local Hoover workshop has fixed it for free every time under warranty and I will pick it up again - every time they replace the pump and tell me they have no idea why I'm doing it that way Unlucky - I'll see what they'll say this time. So basically this would be a zero star rating if it weren't for the local Hoover workshop. Update: The local shop has arranged with Hoover to replace the vacuum rather than fix it - I really can't fault the support at all for the product (the local shop is great) so I'll give this a two-star rating for now. Update again: the store replaced the cleaner for free and the replacement is perfect, we had no problems with it and it cleans carpets beautifully. So the rating is back to four stars - seriously I would recommend that, our house looks a lot better these days.
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