This is literally the best bathrobe I've ever had. It's also the best winter coat I've ever had. I have one for my fiancé and one for me. We live in New England. It's getting damn cold. My boyfriend likes to smoke a cigar outside in the evening or early in the morning on weekends. We wrapped up when it got cold and we're still cold sitting outside. Ever since we got them, we just put these bathrobes on and stay warm even when it's below zero. TBH, you don't need to wear anything except a robe. It's long enough and big enough to cover all your parts. For this reason, I purposefully bought them a little more than necessary. Now I've bought one for everyone in the family. The neighbors think we've created a strange cult when we all spend so much time outside in bathrobes, especially at night. It suits me, they can think what they want. I've been missing that in my life for so long. Cozy, warm, comfortable anytime, anywhere. Although I have to admit that I'm not old enough to wear it to the supermarket or on a business trip. 😊