This is a good stroller for the price. We needed something that was lightweight and could fold up small, but wanted something more sturdy than a traditional umbrella stroller. This is exactly that. No extra fluff. The sun visor is a waste and provides absolutely no shade. We took it off because it just made it bulkier when folded and didn’t serve a purpose. The stroller is very difficult to close, but does fold up nicely, just like an umbrella stroller. I keep this in my car for times when I didn’t think to pack the big stroller. It is perfect for shopping because it is small and maneuverable compared to my full size stroller. My daughter is about 33 pounds and 37 inches tall. She fits fine, but probably won’t be able to use it much longer. She does look a little snug in it. My biggest complaint is the clip to hold it closed when folded did not work. It was on there and intact, but the opening was so small, it would not clamp on the bar like it was supposed to.
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