I've been looking for an attractive leather backpack to replace my handbag for a long time. With an almost 2 year old I need both hands and my shoulder bag slowed me down. I found a number of famous branded bags at Poshmark, but ultimately settled on this bag because of the price and color. and the fact that I can return it if I don't like it. I am VERY happy with the bag! The thickness of the leather is comfortable and feels good, the inner pocket is soft and will hold up quite a bit, the magnets on the side pockets are very strong, the drawstring and main closure feel secure. My only criticism of the bag itself is the front bag clasp - I just wish it was a little easier to open and close quicker as it's an actual buckle. Overall I am very happy that I will have this bag for many more years and I will break it! The other photos I posted were more about confusion. The cards and tags say these are leather bags for men, but I definitely think this is a unisex bag.
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