I work in an emergency department with conventional otoscopes all the time that cost 6 times as much as this digital one or more, yet this one gives a better view 10 times out of 10. It has a large clear screen with a slender scope and a bright light. The color seems accurate, especially important if you’re looking for infection. The controls are intuitive enough; a few minutes of randomly pressing buttons like a chimp on a typewriter and you’ll be good to go.or you can read the instructions. You’re able to save images and video. Comes with a Kingston’s memory card! There are a variety of useful speculums for safety and curettes for cleaning, all of which you can use while using the scope. For $55, it does feel a bit plasticky, but overall, it is certainly very functional and better priced than many other digital otoscopes I’ve used. 4/5 stars.For one with a bit better build quality for another $20 - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085L6HT76/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_RM1BCSFMQG2BK3T752ZJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
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