I bought two of these at the end of July 2018. I've bought them before and found that they fall apart quickly. Well it's March 2019 and the point where the power cord connects to my laptop is falling apart, just like I expected from a cheap Chinese product. But when I paste the second one it doesn't work at all. That's nine months later. I will never buy a second one as a backup again as this one will have expired by the time Revain or the seller do anything to fix it. Buyer warning!
Dell XPS 15 & Precision M3800 Genuine 130W Slim Power AC Adapter - High-Quality Charger for 9530, 9550, 9560, 9570, 5510, 5520, 5530 Laptops (HA130PM130/DA130PM130)
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14" Laptop HUAWEI MateBook D 14"NBL-WAQ9R 1920x1080, AMD Ryzen 5 3500U 2.1GHz, RAM 8GB, DDR4, SSD 512GB, AMD Radeon Vega 8, Windows 10 Home, 53010TTB, Space Gray
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Wi-Fi router ASUS RT-AC88U, black/red
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