I've been buying DC shoes for the past few years as I like skateboarding shoes more than any other type of shoe and I love the DC line although I've decided to try something different since the last 3 pairs of DC I'm getting got, all were the same, just different colors of the DC logo. Having said that, I would say that the difference between DC and the globe is about half that of the globe, ie 8.5 DC = 9 globe. I ordered the 8.5 and found them uncomfortable at first, but then I realized my laces were tight so when I loosened them the shoes actually fit really well. Yeah right? OK, let me explain. These shoes have a SUPER thick tongue that attaches to the shoe making it look like a thick sock for the top and around the ankle. If you can get a size that just fits (the toes aren't compressed, but don't add much extra room either), you basically don't need laces. The shoes are more like slip-ons and the laces are just for show. I suspect if I had ordered a 9 I would have had a little more room to play and the laces could have been tightened for a snugger fit. I am happy with them though, they are very light and cool to walk on. I think if I were a lot younger and skateboarding like I used to, I would want them for my various skateboarding adventures. The shoes come with 2 pairs of laces to choose from, mine are white with black graphics so I have white and black laces. I think maybe other shoes have a different choice. ? One more note: I have big flat feet so I sometimes feel uncomfortable in shoes like Nike's, they seem to make most of their shoes narrow and after a while it takes a toll on my arches. That's why I ordered wide width shoes for those who make them and some models like this don't have that option. However, I have no problem with that. Backcountry ships these via UPS and it only took 4 days to get to my house.