I bought this dress in multiple sizes as my kids were both flower girls. The dress is beautiful, fits well and is well made. Here is my problem. I ordered several sizes 4 to find the right color. My daughter is 8 and we ordered cream. It was perfect! The ribbon sash is still white, but we still make it in the color of the bridesmaid dresses. I ordered 2 for my youngest and it was perfect but a little snug. I thought the 4th would be better for her. I ordered a fourth but when it arrived the bottom dress was cream and the lace overlay was white. It was a big color difference from my 8 year old and even the pattern on the top was different. I sent it back and ordered 4 more white ones. When it arrived the dress was brilliant white. I'm also sending it back and just choosing a second size because it's too close to the wedding to try again. Also, it costs $3 to return the dresses each time.
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