Pros: - Lower cost than other Simple facial tissues. -- The smoother side of the napkins looks okay, but nothing special. Cons: - Not that one side of the napkins is "rougher" than the other. The company says this is to aid in the "peeling" process, but is more like a cheap dollar tree-like wipe. It doesn't seem positive. It looks like it shouldn't be used on the face. Of course, this is not the only way to wash and/or remove makeup. They do not effectively clean or remove makeup or germs/pollutants throughout the day. Best to use as a simple wipe (e.g. if you have sweaty brows or want to wipe your armpits or hands - *but* it won't sanitize anything) Final Thoughts: - Won't be buying this again. -- Don't pay the higher price that comes with the Simple product. -- I do not recommend this product, especially because it feels too rough. "You might as well use a baby wipe." Baby wipes are cheaper and softer to the touch. Better for your skin. Reason I gave 2 stars instead of 1: This product did not severely irritate my skin. Thank god I have more sensitive skin.
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