Got these bags for my V Star 650 and am very happy with them. It was a bit of a hassle to position them correctly as you have to tie them to something with no rigid attachment to keep them from dangling all over the place. However, after they were tied, they turned into pretty cute, comfy bags. The material looks like leather, but it's pretty obvious when you touch it that it's not leather. It's vinyl or something. There's nothing wrong with that, it feels like it's better than leather. Build quality is decent, although I have to say that while they're well made, they don't look like they were made with much precision or care. Inside, the plastic box has been laid out straight, which is clearly visible when the packages are opened. The buckles are stiff but work well; My only complaint about them is that they're a little tricky to align properly and hard to snap in with one hand, especially when wearing gloves. Also, the bags are well made and don't look like they're going to fall apart anytime soon. I will mention that they detach from the yoke with a secure zip and velcro strap and I think with the right fit you could theoretically detach them and carry them around with a little handle on your back, but as the bags have to be strapped to the bike with that they are sturdy, I can't see how to just remove all the fasteners. Pull bags out and carry them in, but I figured out how using velcro or something to tie them together could make the concept more workable. However, in my case I probably won't use this feature as I think it would be too cumbersome. I'm not even sure if that's what they intended with the consumer, but why else would they sew in a pin? I do not know. I just thought I'd mention it. I got the compact version of the bags so they don't look huge on my bike. As such they look quite elegant and don't detract from the exterior of the bike, but of course space inside is quite limited. I managed to fit a scarf, a balaclava, a pair of sunglasses and a pair of gloves in one bag. A bag will also fit in a motorcycle trunk with some headroom at the top, but unless folded perfectly it will bulge a bit on the sides. Again, this is not an error, just an attempt to give an idea of what kind of space you are dealing with. In addition, the insides are completely functionless; a mostly empty box - again no error. I've had them for a few weeks now and am very happy with their ability to retain moisture. I got out with them in the rain a few times and even left my bike in the rain and forgot to cover it (I don't have a garage) so the bike got wet but everything was dry inside. , except for a few damp spots where water could seep into the corners. They're not exactly waterproof, but it still rained pretty hard and held up as well as I could hope. Two long valves protect well against water ingress. Also, I haven't noticed any wear on these bags from the weather or anything since I've had them. The pics of the bags off the bike are from the first day I received them and the pics of them on my bike are about a month later after having been in some pretty inclement weather and some pretty long rides. and they still look like new. I don't think a month is that much but they seem to be holding up well. All in all great bags at a fair price. That's definitely what I was aiming for; They look good, have pretty good build quality, and are very comfortable to use. Just don't expect to invest heavily in the compact version.
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