This is super lightweight. It is the perfect size when in its carry bag, to strap onto your backpack and take with you when you are hiking to your campsite. Even with this being so lightweight, it works great for helping to stay warm (along with warm clothes and my sleeping bag cause I'm really cold natured) and it helps to protect you from the wind. I like to wrap up in this even when I am not camping! It would be great to take to a bonfire on a chilly night or any outdoor event really. It does have the 'down' qualities although it is really not. It is a cotton fiber fill so it does have the fluff to it. The outer fabric is still quite like a sleeping bag which has that slick feeling to it. And it also makes noise like a sleeping bag, in case that is of interest to you. I ordered the blue and I love the striking contrast of the dark and light side. It is nice quality and recommend this.
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